Thursday, February 3, 2011

My first Project

Here is my first picture i will add comments later..
Our first project was getting us use to using layers and how to blend images together. I prefer darker type art myself so I went with 4 layers total on this picture. The first layer is of some sinister looking Trees with a gate and a dark feel to it. I then added a tortured Soul in the middle of the gate. This is were I made some mistakes because I believe I had the picture blended nice but then I added the big skull in the center and it made the tortured soul very hard to see. My mistake came in when I flattened the soul into the background too soon. So in order to make the center stand out like I wanted I lost more than I wanted with the tortured figure in the skulls mouth. I added two other skulls into each corner. I cut these out from a skull I have at home and blended them into the back ground.

The Background is from old wallpaper I have had for years. The tortured soul and skulls came from items I took pictures of with my camera.

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